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“The Top 5 Most Common Household pests and How to Get Rid of Them”: This would include pests like ants, spiders, wasps, cockroaches, and mice.

I have worked in the pest control industry for a while and I have seen the ins and outs of methods. I will give you several methods that are eco friendly and are products you probably have around the house. Just so you are aware most of these methods are only temporary but they can help you block out pests until you can find the proper company or products. Here’s a list of each pest and what to use:

  1. Spiders: You can use essential oils like lemongrass, citronella, and rosemary to repel spiders. You can also use Stay Away Spiders Repellent, which is an eco-friendly product that uses essential oils to repel spiders.
  2. Ants: You can use baking soda and white vinegar to get rid of ants naturally. You can also use eco-friendly ant baits like Terro Liquid Ant Baits, which use borax as the active ingredient.
  3. Wasps: You can use a mixture of water and peppermint oil to repel wasps. You can also use a wasp trap like the RESCUE! Disposable Yellow Jacket Trap, which is an eco-friendly trap that uses a non-toxic attractant to lure wasps.
  4. Cockroaches: You can use diatomaceous earth to get rid of cockroaches. Diatomaceous earth is a natural powder that is safe for humans and pets but deadly to insects like cockroaches.
  5. Mice: You can use peppermint oil to repel mice. You can also use eco-friendly mouse traps like the Authenzo Mouse Trap, which is a humane trap that uses a non-toxic bait to lure mice.

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